I expected it to be blammed and it was..
Your really reading this? Oh my god! Somebody actually cares about me! Basque in information about me!
New York
Joined on 5/11/08
wat got blammed?
thats nice my first one almost got blammed and i kinad wish it did im on to better and brighter thngs but it's funny to see whre everyon starts off
but hay maybe when u get good u can look back at what got blammed and use it as a easter egg:3 keep trying
A flash i made called artwoork
Thats a shame that artwood got blammed I gave it a 4 :(
artwoork, and actually it sucks...
can you submit it again?
no i cant thats breaking the law!
>_> Tell Pigletface that. The breaking the NG law about resubmitting. :P
Oh, and it was actually blammed. . .? Blasphemy!
Finally someone who gets me!